Cake 200g cake
$52.40 ($0.26/g)
Tong 5x 200g cake
$222.72 ($0.22/g)
Sampler 15g
$4.99 ($0.34/g)
- +
  • Rank

    Spicy, fried bananas and fresh mint.

Sweet, spicy and fruity PuErh made from the larger leaves of ancient trees growing in Yiwu. Incredible value for money for a delicious brew.

Gao Shan village in Yiwu is renowned amongst PuErh aficionados for producing some of the most carameled and easy-sipping raw PuErh tea. The price of tea from this high mountain village is pretty steep and we have our Jelly Juice Vampire if you want to taste the finest pickings from these forests. 

Check out our video finding these producers.

'Antique Street Market' comes from exactly the same ancient tree forests (estimated 200 year old trees) but is made from a blend of the larger pickings known as Huangpian (translates as 'yellow leaf').

Huangpian are picked at the same time and from the same trees as the fine picked PuErh and sorted out differently (classically kept for the farmers to drink). A fine picking version of this cake is about 4x the price of this very affordable version and there is no way that you could say that the experience in the cup is a quarter as good - in fact some people  prefer the Huangpian taste.

The tea is complex with sweet and spice notes of caramel, mint and banana. The main difference between the huangpian and the fine picking version is that this brews up with a slight rosehip twang in the finish to give a more refreshing edge to the experience.

Gong Fu Brewing Western Brewing
Amountg per 100ml 1st Infusionseconds + Infusionsseconds Number of
Amountg per 100ml 1st Infusionseconds + Infusionsseconds Number of
5 25 +5 10 0.8 120 +30 3

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