Packet 30g
$4.01 ($0.14/g)
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    Fine as part of an 'under the weather' concoction.

This is one of those great tisanes to have in your cupboard for when you have a cold or flu. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and dispels toxins in Chinese Medicine theory. It is often prescribed for people suffering from colds with fever, headaches and sore throats but can be used to help cool those suffering from excessive heat and stress.

You can mix with other tisanes for an even more potent herbal brew (check out the products below).

Honeysuckle Flower Tea - Jin Yin Hua Chinese Herb

Gong Fu Brewing Western Brewing
Amountg per 100ml 1st Infusionseconds + Infusionsseconds Number of
Amountg per 100ml 1st Infusionseconds + Infusionsseconds Number of
1.5 15 +5 5 0.3 120 +30 2

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Pang Da Hai -Sterculiae lychnophorae Semen

A seed to help moisten the lung and to clear the throat. May help the discomfort of tonsilitis and voice hoarseness.

Huang Ju Hua - Chrysanthemum morifolium

Cooling and calming tisane to drink by itself or blend with dark teas like PuErh. Sherbet sweets and floral meadow air.

Beautiful double walled small glass cup for showing off your tea.

Gou Qi Zi - Lycium barbarum

The 'Goji Berry'. Traditional Chinese Medicine superfruit grown at high altitude for superior health benefits.
